High-resolution 3D STL models, with more than 2 million triangles, can be prepared for 3D laser engraving within a minute.
Read moreDMC allows importing 3D files or users can generate trajectories in DMC using simple segments and mathematical expressions.
Using 64-bit technology DMC handles large and complex objects most other programs just don’t. Import large STL files with millions of triangles and slice them with high resolution.
Or use DMC functions, variables, and loops to generate 3D paths from mathematical expressions.
DMC allows importing images for raster processing. Images can either be grayscale or black and white.
With grayscale images, the user can define the process to be done layer by layer or fire each pixel the appropriate number of pulses in just one pass.
Or, it is also possible to import an image as a 3D object and then slice and hatch it appropriately and then machine it wither with the galvo, stage, or combination of both.
DMC allows using either a 3D scanner or combining mechanical Z plus any 2D scanner to do a 3D process.
Read moreDMC allows stitching in 3D. The user just has to define field size and Z tolerance based on available laser focus depth and DMC will automatically split the 3D path into sections doable by the 2D scanner and then use Z mechanical axis to move from tile to tile.
The trial version includes all the features of the software. Tell us a bit about your intended use and machine configuration and we will help you to configure it to work best for your system and application.